What to Know About Hyperhidrosis Treatment with miraDry

Managing excessive sweating can be defeating and take a toll on your self-confidence. Although there are a few ways you can find results with things like antiperspirants or certain medications, it’s normal to look for permanent results. miraDry® is one of the best options on the market for treating excessive underarm sweating with long-term results with little or no downtime. Here’s what to know about it and how our team can help you find excellent results.

What is miraDry® for Hyperhidrosis?

miraDry® is an FDA-approved, proprietary electromagnetic technology that disrupts the overactive sweat glands in the underarms, causing them to cease function. The result is a marked reduction in sweating (by as much as 80% with a single treatment). There are many benefits, including little or no downtime, little discomfort with numbing, and long-term results. In fact, some patients require only a single treatment for their ideal results.

What to Expect During miraDry® Treatment

miraDry® can be performed right in our offices with the help of our dermatology team. Most patients require a topical anesthetic in the form of a few quick lidocaine injections. Once you’re comfortable, the specialized handpiece is administered to the underarms. Overall, treatment can take between 30 and 60 minutes, after which you can return home. You might experience some tenderness in the area afterward, but this usually subsides quickly. You can return to work or school right away, and you’ll notice a drastic reduction in underarm sweating. You can return for additional treatments as needed.

What are My Other Options for Excessive Sweating?

Not everyone is a good candidate for miraDry®, including people with certain medical conditions. There are a few other options available for excessive underarm sweating, including:

  • Prescription medications
  • Antiperspirants
  • Botox®

Often, these treatment options are recommended in tandem with miraDry® for best results. That’s because they may not be as effective on their own. Your dermatologist can help you determine the right treatment plan for your unique goals and anatomy.

Schedule a Consultation

miraDry® is a groundbreaking new technology to reduce excessive underarm sweating with just a single treatment and is available at our Medina location. To learn more about how you can benefit, call our office at 330.725.0569 to schedule a consultation with one of our skin experts.

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