The human body is well-equipped to handle many adversaries, from viruses to injuries, and one of its key functions of healing is through an inflammatory response. Inflammation in an area of the body is a sign that the body recognizes something’s wrong and it’s sending blood, nutrients, and immune support cells to the area to fix the problem.

However, inflammation can be triggered by generally benign substances, causing dry skin, itching, discomfort, and unsatisfying appearance. When this happens, our dermatologists can work with you to identify your condition’s unique trigger(s) and develop a treatment and prevention plan to help you get back to your normal lifestyle.

Types of Inflammation


Dry Skin

The human body is well-equipped to handle many adversaries, from viruses to injuries, and one of its key functions of healing is through an inflammatory response. Inflammation in an area of the body is a sign that the body recognizes something’s wrong and it’s sending blood, nutrients, and immune support cells to the area to fix the problem.

However, inflammation can be triggered by generally benign substances, causing dry skin, itching, discomfort, and unsatisfying appearance. When this happens, our dermatologists can work with you to identify your condition’s unique trigger(s) and develop a treatment and prevention plan to help you get back to your normal lifestyle.

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Many people will experience eczema at some point in their lives, whether due to environmental or psycho-physical triggers. While many cases of eczema go away by themselves with time and over-the-counter treatments, persistent or severe eczema should be diagnosed by a dermatologist, who can recommend ongoing treatment or lifestyle changes to ensure it doesn’t come back.

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Knowing the difference between inflammatory conditions like rosacea and psoriasis can be difficult on your own. Psoriasis has many different symptoms and treatment options that are determined by undergoing different tests to find out exactly what the cause is. Psoriasis can show up as scaly plaques, red bumps or patches, and pustules.

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Rosacea is a tricky disorder to diagnose, as it is often confused as acne in both self-diagnosis and self-treatment. However, this distinct condition requires specific care to be treated effectively, as it may be caused by one of many diverse lifestyle or environmental factors.

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