The most common type of cancer, skin cancer affects more than 3.5 million Americans every year. One out of five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. The American Cancer Society recommends annual screening for skin cancer to make sure any incidences are detected early.

Early detection prevents the growth or spread of the disease, so it is wise to see a dermatologist if you notice any unusual or significant changes in your skin.

Three Most Common Skin Cancers

The term skin cancer refers to three different conditions:

  • basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
  • squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
  • malignant melanoma

BCC and SCC are referred to as non-melanoma skin cancers and are the most common forms of skin cancer. They are rarely life-threatening but can be locally destructive to tissue. Melanoma is generally the most aggressive skin cancer because it can metastasize (or spread) throughout our body quickly.

If you notice any of the following skin conditions, see your skin expert at Trillium Creek Dermatology.

BCC (basal cell carcinoma)

  • An open sore that bleeds, oozes, or crusts and does not heal after two weeks.
  • A pink or red patch of skin that is scaly or flaky, may itch or hurt, and persists for more than a few weeks.
  • A pink or pearly translucent bump or nodule that may develop tiny blood vessels on its surface.

SCC (squamous cell carcinoma)

  • A persistent, scaly, red patch that sometimes crusts or bleeds.
  • A wart-like growth that enlarges within weeks with a central indentation.
  • A raised, rough patch of skin that bleeds from minor scratching or rubbing.
  • Often caused by UV radiation from tanning beds and long-term sun exposure that damages the DNA in skin cells

Melanoma – the ABCDEs

  • Asymmetry. If you draw a line through a mole, both halves should match.
  • Border. The borders of a melanoma may become uneven, scalloped or notched.
  • Color. Melanoma will often be much darker than other moles or have a variety of colors both darker and light mixed together. Rarely melanomas can be pink or red.
  • Diameter. Usually melanomas are larger than a pencil eraser, or ¼ of an inch. They may be smaller if detected early.
  • Evolving. Any change in a mole – in size, shape, color or elevation – should prompt an evaluation by a dermatologist.

Frequently Asked Questions on Melanoma

Can a dermatologist tell if a mole is cancerous just by looking at it?

Sometimes, if the lesion is very obviously abnormal a dermatologist can suspect cancer. However, for any suspicious mole, a biopsy is performed and sent for confirmation as to malignancy.

Can a melanoma appear overnight?

Melanoma can have a quick onset, but it usually does not appear overnight.

How do they cut out melanoma?

For specific questions, it is best to consult a plastic surgeon on this matter. Every surgical intervention for melanoma is different.

How do you know if a mole is suspicious?

Dermatology providers use a variety of tools and guidelines to determine if a mole is suspicious. If you are concerned that a mole is suspicious, it is best to consult your dermatology provider.

How do you know if a spot is skin cancer?

A biopsy is generally recommended to determine if a spot is cancerous.

What does a suspicious mole look like?

Melanoma can look like many things, therefore it is important to consult with your dermatology provider if you have a lesion that is concerning.

What does melanoma do to the body?

Melanoma in its early stages stays locally within the skin. If left untreated, it can spread to many locations throughout the body, and even be fatal.

What is the first sign of melanoma?

Usually, melanoma presents as a solitary spot that is growing or changing in some way. therefore it is important to consult with your dermatology provider if you have a lesion that is concerning.

Can you have melanoma for years and not know?

Unfortunately, you can have melanoma for years, especially if it is a slow growing melanoma.

How do you know if melanoma has spread?

Evaluation of spread should be discussed with your oncologist or plastic surgeon.

How long is chemotherapy for melanoma?

Length of chemotherapy depends on a variety of factors, and should be discussed with your oncologist.

Is melanoma cancer a death sentence?

No. Many people get a diagnosis of melanoma and live a full life span.

Is Stage 1 melanoma considered cancer?

Yes. Melanoma at stage 1 is considered cancer.

What can be done to prevent melanoma?

It is important to limit sun exposure by using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, and avoiding the sun during the peak hours 10-2pm.

What color is melanoma?

Melanoma can be many colors including black, brown, and red.

What foods to avoid if you have melanoma?

There are no specific dietary restrictions if you have been diagnosed with melanoma.

What is the most common treatment for melanoma?

For a melanoma that is detected early, the most common treatment is surgical removal by a plastic surgeon.

Can melanoma be picked up in blood tests?

There is no specific blood test to detect melanoma.

Do you need chemo for melanoma?

Many melanomas can be treated without chemotherapy.

Does vitamin D prevent melanoma?

Vitamin D does not solely prevent melanoma.

How fast does melanoma grow?

Some melanomas grow very slowly, and others can progress very quickly.

Is melanoma flat or raised?

It can be either or both.

What can be mistaken for melanoma?

Melanoma can look like many different things, therefore many benign things can be mistaken for melanoma and vice versa. A biopsy is always recommended to confirm a suspicious lesion.

What happens to your body when you have melanoma?

Melanoma in its early stages stays locally within the skin. If left untreated, it can spread to many locations throughout the body, and even be fatal.

What really causes melanoma?

Melanoma can be caused by a variety of factors including genetics, and environmental exposures, specifically to UV radiation from the sun and/or tanning beds.

What scans are done for melanoma?

Annual full body skin checks are used to detect melanoma. Once a diagnosis is made, further scans and procedures should be discussed with your provider.

When should you get moles checked?

It is recommended that each person get an annual full body check unless otherwise dictated by your dermatology provider.

Can chemo cure melanoma?

Chemotherapy can be a treatment modality used to treat melanoma.

Can melanoma be caused by stress?

Many body functions can be compromised when a person is under excessive stress. Skin health can also be compromised when under stress.

Can Melanoma go away on its own?

Unfortunately, melanoma does not resolve without treatment.

Is Stage 3 melanoma terminal?

No, it is not terminal.

Should you see an oncologist for melanoma?

The need for an oncologist depends on many factors. Consult with your dermatology provider about your melanoma and if seeing an oncologist is right for you.

What are the 4 types of melanoma?

Superficial spreading melanoma, Nodular melanoma, Lentigo maligna melanoma, and Acral lentiginous melanoma

What does a melanoma spot look like?

Melanoma can look like many things, therefore it is important to consult with your dermatology provider if you have a lesion that is concerning.

What is the latest treatment for melanoma?

Melanoma treatments vary widely depending on the staging of the melanoma at the time of diagnosis.

What is the most aggressive melanoma?

Nodular melanoma is the most aggressive melanoma.

What is the most effective treatment for melanoma?

Melanoma treatments vary widely depending on the staging of the melanoma at the time of diagnosis.

Prevention and Treatment of Skin Cancer


Skin Cancer Screening

Regular screenings can reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Schedule a screening now to safeguard your health.

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Skin Cancer Prevention

Sun protection is the best way to prevent skin cancer. Find out how you can keep your skin, and your family’s skin, safe all year round.

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When people encounter moles, cysts, skin tags, and birthmarks, they may be worried about cancer growth or something more severe than a primary skin lesion. Our dermatologists can determine the severity of such marks on your skin.

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Mohs Skin Cancer Center

When action is required in the treatment of skin cancer, Mohs surgery provides the best possible outcome for both safety and scar prevention.

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Set up an appointment with our skilled and experienced staff. Book your appointment online or give us a call at 330.725.0569 and start your journey to quick recovery!

