At Trillium Creek, we have a special pediatric dermatology clinic where our staff is highly trained to diagnose and treat babies, children and teens with a range of skin, hair and nail conditions. Our younger patients present with a variety of skin complaints, from acne, eczema and warts to more complex genetic skin disorders.

When we think about childhood skin problems, most of us think of acne in the teen years. But children can develop skin problems soon after they’re born. Children experience skin disease and irritations just like adults. For example, did you know that about 20 percent of babies and young children will develop eczema?

Most pediatric skin issues resolve on their own, but quite a few require a dermatologist. Our specialists have extensive knowledge in pediatric dermatology and can work with you and your child to diagnose and determine the best treatment plan for his or her condition.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pediatric Dermatology

Can a baby see a dermatologist?

Yes, dermatologists are able to see patients of all ages.

Can a dermatologist cure eczema?

We currently do not have a cure for eczema, but dermatologists are experts in eczema management and can help to relieve a patient's symptoms.

Do Dermatologists treat hair loss?

Yes, dermatologists treat diseases of the hair, skin, and nails. There are a variety of causes for hair loss and a provider can examine you and review your history to treat your hair loss condition.

What can a dermatologist do for baby eczema?

There are a variety of treatments available for eczema and the treatment option your skincare provider discusses with you will depend on the age of your baby and the extent of their affected skin. Generally treatment is focused on relieving itch through gentle skin care habits and topical steroids.

What is a pediatric dermatology?

Pediatric dermatology is a field of medicine focused on treating conditions of the hair, skin, and nails in younger patients (those 18 and under).

What is the difference between a dermatologist and a cosmetic dermatologist?

A dermatologist treats medical and cosmetic conditions of the hair, skin and nails. A cosmetic dermatologist focuses on cosmetic issues concerning the hair skin and nails, meaning their treatment options may not be covered by insurance. Examples of cosmetic dermatology treatments include Botox, fillers, and laser procedures.

What to know before going to a dermatologist?

A dermatologist should be seen when you have a concern about your hair, skin or nails. You should make sure the provider is in your insurance network and that you arrive to your appointment in a condition that allows the providers to see your issue (ex: do not wear nail poilish if you have a concern about your nail).

When should I see a pediatric dermatologist?

A pediatric dermatologist should be consulted for any condition concerning the hair, skin, or nails in a patient under 18 years of age. General dermatologists can help treat most skin conditions in this age group, but pediatric dermatologists are particularly helpful in the treatment of genetic conditions and surgical procedures in children.

Common Pediatric Conditions


Pediatric Acne

Pediatric acne can affect children as young as 6 weeks of age. With the help of a board-certified dermatologist and medications designed for the most sensitive skin, your child can find relief.

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Pediatric Allergies

Understanding your child’s allergies is essential to helping them thrive and remain safe. A board-certified dermatologist can help you understand your child’s options with accurate testing and preventive measures.

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Pediatric Infections

Infections in young children require a careful, experienced approach. Partner with a board-certified dermatologist for effective, targeted treatment.

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Other Pediatric Conditions



Teenage acne, or acne vulgaris, is the most common skin complaint in adolescents.
Their skin pores become clogged, infected and inflamed, erupting in pimples. It’s important to know the best acne products and treatments to get rid of teenage acne before it affects their wellbeing.

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Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s foot, or Tinea Pedis, is a fungal infection of the foot that causes discomfort in the form of irritated, peeling skin. Athletes foot requires treatment in order to cure it completely and prevent further outbreaks or spreading, so ask us today about athlete’s foot treatment.

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Body Odor

Clients often ask us what causes body odor in children and young people. This condition can be serious and we need to investigate the cause of the condition before we can decide how to get rid of body odor for the child. Make an appointment now for an expert consultation to help your child.

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Chicken Pox

A highly contagious viral infection, chicken pox is most often seen in children ages 5 to 10, however, cases of chicken pox in babies are reasonably common. We can prescribe antiviral medications to shorten the duration of the chicken pox as well as antihistamines to relieve itching.

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Cold Sores

If your baby or child develops a cold sore on its lip, you need to know how to get rid of it, since their immune system may not be able to fight the herpes virus on its own. Consult with one of our dermatologists for help with relieving this condition.

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Cradle Cap

What is cradle cap? It’s a form of dermatitis we commonly see on the scalp of young babies and toddlers. How do we get rid of it? Cradle cap treatment is not required unless the symptoms of crusting on the scalp persist, then we may prescribe special cradle cap shampoos and lotions.

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Diaper Rash

Diaper rash, develops when the baby’s skin becomes irritated, red and inflamed. Severe diaper rash can be itchy and painful for the baby so you need to know how to heal it fast. We can help with topical treatments and creams for diaper rash.

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Dry Skin

A newborn has dry skin which is quite rough before it hydrates fully at around one month old. To prevent dry skin in your baby, refrain from over-bathing or the use of harsh soaps. Call us to learn which products to use to protect your baby from developing dry skin.

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Baby eczema appears on the face and body of the infant and is also common in young children. Also known as dermatitis, this skin condition is characterized by redness, swelling and itchiness. Contact us now for help on how to treat baby eczema and eczema in children.

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Fifth Disease

Initially, fifth disease symptoms are a low fever, with headache and mild cold symptoms, before developing into the full fifth disease rash. Fifth disease, or erythema infectiosum, spreads quickly in small children. Let us help you relieve your baby’s red rash.

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Hand Foot and Mouth Disease

This common viral illness is highly contagious. It is named for the rash that develops around the hands, feet and mouth. Contact us for help with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease in toddlers, babies and infants.

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Baby hives and hives in children show up as red, itchy welts that can appear anywhere on the face or skin. They can appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly, and usually do not result in scarring. We can help you find what triggers are causing hives in your child or baby.

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Impetigo in children is caused by a bacterial infection. It first appears as blisters near the child’s nose or mouth. Impetigo is highly contagious but easily treatable with antibiotics – so call us now for advice to help prevent the spread of this contagious skin condition.

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Tiny white spots, called milia, can appear under a newborn’s eyes, in fact anywhere on their face. Milia usually clear up, naturally, and do not require treatment but if you have any concerns, please don’t hesitate to bring your baby in for a skin check with our pediatric dermatologist.

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Pinworm infection and symptoms are caused by a small parasite that is often picked up by kids. Pinworm treatment is fast and easy and, since pinworms in kids do not cause any harm, just itching, it won’t be long before you get rid of pinworms and your child’s health is fully restored.

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Baby psoriasis appears as raised, red lesions that may look silvery and scaly due to extra skin cells. Psoriasis in children can affect their scalp and body, especially on the knees and elbows. We can relieve the misery through treatments for psoriasis in children.

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Despite the name, ringworm has nothing to do with an actual worm. Ringworm is a contagious fungal skin infection. It shows up most often on the scalp and body of children ages 2 and older, but can affect babies and adults too. If you want to know how to get rid of ringworm, call us today.

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Sensitive Skin

When babies and children’s skin is sensitive to touch, it means you may need to use special products that are dermatologically tested. We stock our own special range of sunscreens, cleansers, face washes and moisturizers that are suitable for sensitive skin.

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Sun Allergy

Sun allergy symptoms include a rash or reaction that occurs due to the child’s sensitivity, or intolerance, to the sun. You will need to take extra special precautions with sun care and skin protection. Call us now for advice on how to protect your baby or child from the sun.

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Warts are skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus. It is common to have warts on fingers, hands and plantar warts on the soles of the feet. Our dermatologists know how to get rid of warts safely and permanently, especially on babies and children.

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We’re here for you!

Set up an appointment with our skilled and experienced staff. Book your appointment online or give us a call at 330.725.0569 and start your journey to quick recovery!

