Same-Day Appointments for Wrestlers at Trillium Creek Dermatology with Dr. Matthew Reedy
How to treat dry skin and chapped lips with Gabrielle Harding, PA-C
What are Boils and Abscesses with Emily Barker, PA-C
Tick Bites with Emily Barker, PA-C
Summer Fungal Infections with Gabriella Furfari, PA-C
What are Lentigines with Gabrielle Harding, PA-C
What are Cherry Angiomas with Jenna Benchek, PA-C
News 5: Hyperhidrosis with Dr. Wyatt Andrasik
What are cold sores/fever blisters with Jordan Goad, PA-C
News 5: Common Summer Skin Issues with Dr. Wyatt Andrasik
What are infantile Hemangiomas with Emily Barker, PA-C
What is Athlete’s Foot and How is it Treated with Jordan Goad, PA-C
How to Spot Tinea Versicolor, a Common Fungal Rash with Jordan Goad, PA-C
What is Pityriasis Rosea with Gabrielle Harding PA-C
Common Skin Infections from Pools and Hot Tubs with Gabrielle Harding, PA-C
Hair Loss – Causes and Treatments with Emily Barker, PA-C
Hand, foot, mouth disease with Emily Barker, PA-C
Melasma – The Mask of Pregnancy with Emily Barker, PA-C
What to do if you find a tick and how to avoid them with Francine Johns, PA-C
What is Melasma with Francine Johns, PA-C
Excessive Sweating with Gabriella Furfari, PA-C
How to remove and prevent tick bites with Francine Johns, PA-C
Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease with Gabriella Furfari, PA-C
Molluscum with Jenna Benchek, PA-C
Francine Johns, PA-C, talks about how to deal with winter skin issues on Channel 5
Learn about Shingles with Emily Barker, PA-C
Jordan Goad, PA-C, explains Dermatographism
Patient Testimonial – Lyme Disease
Dr. Helen Torok Discusses Nail and Foot Fungus
Jordan Goad, PA-C, on It’s About You
Raynaud’s and Frostbite
Keratosis Pilaris
Spotlight 5: Raynauds
Skin Spotlight: Finding a cure for fungus
Spotlight 5: Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Spotlight 5: Keratosis Pilaris
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Facebook Live | Joshua Weaver – Pathology
Facebook Live | Rashes
Set up an appointment with our skilled and experienced staff. Book your appointment online or give us a call at 330.725.0569 and start your journey to quick recovery!