Many people struggling with skin texture, tone, or aging signs seek treatment options to restore their natural beauty and youthful look. One such treatment that has recently gained popularity is CO2 laser resurfacing. The procedure aims at stimulating the production of collagen that tighten skin and can help correct rough, lax skin textures. Whereas many people qualify for the procedure, here are factors that determine your candidacy for it.
Moderate Pain Tolerance
CO2 laser resurfacing isn’t the most comfortable procedure. However, our Trillium Creek Dermatology offices offer several numbing products for treatments like this that might irritate or hurt your skin. They range from topical anesthetic ointments, oral sedatives, or injectable anesthesia to help lessen the pain from the laser. People with high pain tolerance levels are ideal candidates for CO2 laser resurfacing. Other treatments might be more comfortable but may not be as effective as laser resurfacing.
Consistent Aftercare
When considering a CO2 laser resurfacing procedure, you should know that you might want to take time off work to heal and conceal your flaking, reddish side effects. You may experience some bruising, swelling, and wounds on your skin.
During your recovery period, you will need to clean and moisturize your skin more thoroughly than normal. We provide a list of products that you should use to attain desirable results. Clients ready to take time off and invest in the recommended products make good candidates for CO2 laser resurfacing.
Fairer Skin Tone
The CO2 laser treatment is not a good option for people with dark skin. Laser light can be absorbed by melanocytes (melanin-producing skin cells) and damage them, causing discoloration of either hyperpigmentation or abnormal skin brightening. There are other options for facial rejuvenation that don’t have these risks for people with darker skin tones.
Shallow Problem Areas
The CO2 laser helps to correct issues of dark spots, fine lines, and wrinkles that are more superficial. If you have a deep scar or discoloration, it may not be possible for the laser to reach these points. Therefore, deep scars, acne, wrinkles, and other skin issues may need a different remedy.
Active Acne Breakouts
If you are experiencing an active acne breakout, a CO2 laser is not an effective procedure for you. The treatment exacerbates flare-ups that can cause severe pain and discomfort for people with active acne.
Specific Skin Problems
CO2 lasers do wonders in shallow scars, dark spots, and wrinkles. Unfortunately, issues like stretch marks and deep wrinkles will not go away with this procedure.
Personalized Skin Rejuvenation Solutions in Northeast Ohio
Even, smooth, healthy skin boosts self-confidence and can help you achieve a younger-looking complexion. If a CO2 laser isn’t right for your specific concerns, the experts at your local Trillium Creek Dermatology office can help find a non-surgical cosmetic treatment that’s perfect for your skin type and concern. Book a consultation with one of our providers at Trillium Creek Dermatology if you want to enhance your complexion with tailored aesthetic treatment.